Sunday, 5 August 2012

Who Is The Real Paparazzi In Our Society - Entertainment

Our society like never before has become totally obsessed with the celebrity lifestyle, celebrity gossip, celebrity rumors, and the highs and Lows of celebrity scandal. Where will it end, when is enough - enough? Those are just a few of the must know questions we will answer in this article.

It has gotten to the point of pandemonium where we, the public, literally purchase billions of dollars each year of the latest Hollywood tabloid magazines, celebrity photos and anything that is for sale about celebrity gossip, celebrity exposed, and celebrity scandals.

Who is at the forefront of all this marketing and selling of this celebrity tabloid? Well the paparazzi of course. The ones who stand outside of LAX for hours to ambush poor little Britney just to get a picture of her right after she has given full custody of her children to K-fed!

The ones who show up in Bermuda shorts at Malibu beach to shoot pictures of Matthew McConaughey while Surfing. Only to have an end result being a broken Paparazzi nose and some good shoving and a few punches thrown by pissed off Locals defending the famous celebrity. They are the camera toting media hypsters who everyone just Loves to Hate. And they are the ones always up in the grills of the Hollywood actors and Hollywood actresses. In many circles they are referred to as Monsters.

But are the paparazzi really the monsters? Are they the ones perpetuating the commercialization of celebrity gossip and celebrity scandals?

The Local Los Angeles police chief recently said in Public that generally speaking the Paparazzi are NOT the actual Problem, but the famous celebrities themselves are. They are the ones acting in ways that encourage paparazzi madness.

Personally, I believe that each one of us is the real Paparazzi in our own right. We continue to watch the downfall of these famous celebrities with so much curiosity and devotion. And we are the ones that shell out Big Bucks to view the work of these professionalPaparazzi. The Sales of Tabloid continue to go up each year with over $1 Billion total in 2007!

As new Hollywood actors and Hollywood actresses break onto the scene of Tinseltown and new celebrity scandals start popping up the viscous cycle just starts all over again. The Paparazzi is really just a microcosm of our society and what it has come to symbolize.

This much despised Media is just an extension and manifestation of the Public's lust for entertainment and its obsessive curiosity of famous celebrities and their lifestyles.

So is it not us who are the true monsters? This is something each of us needs to think about next time we hypnotically stare at another Picture of Lindsay deep in a drunken stupor or gawking at the newborn pictures of Bran and Angelina

So just take a look in the mirror and you might be surprised to see a little pudgy guy with Bermuda shorts holding a video camera staring back. Then put yourself in the celebrities and see how happy you would be.

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