Sunday, 5 August 2012

The Most Elementary Reasons Why Such A Great Deal Of People Follow Celebrity Scandals In Magazines - Entertainment - Celebrities

There's definitely one thing I don't understand in the least, and that 's the appealingness of these celebrity scandals in magazines, I just don't understand why anyone would bother with how much weight Kim Kardashian lost, or photographs of Vanessa Hudgens on the beach (well I see the charm for males on this one). What is the appeal in squalling over the latest boy band? Or knowing who Paris Hilton has dated of late? Why do some young girls go mad when they watch Justin Bieber on television?

I realize why most young girls like to see the latest fashion and makeup tips, and the latest music news (just like every body). Most guys keep an eye on soccer and stuff, and girls have their own pursuits and hobbies, just like every body. I 'm not about to sterotype people by saying only guys are into football and all girls are into fashion and makeup, because I know that's not true, but lots of girls are, just like a great deal of guys might be into football. I do think there's more to living than having on the latest fashions or having the latest hairdo but my sociology A-level studies taught me that most of this is down to peer pressure, you do something basically because your friends are doing it, and I 'm not about to assert that I was never a dupe of that, seeing that everyone has been sometimes, no matter what they say. That's getting just a little off topic, so why do people idolize and obsess over celebrities?

Psychological science has tried to explain the world's lust for celebrity scandals by speculating that it may be down to evolutionary traits, that several million years before Angelina gave birth to her first child the human brain already had a hunger for page after page of celebrity gossip. William Allman supposed that "Our modern skulls house a stone age mind" through practices that ensure humankind's survival, such as scanning the night club for an ideal sex partner, taking in gossip, and combating others for a place in the hierarchy. Capitalzing on the human ape's basest instincts is what moves millions of copies of these tittle tattle magazines weekly. The people worth gossiping are the blond and the prolific. Gossip is so finite and restrained that only the primal force of evolutionary psychological science can explain their permeant hold on the collective imaginativeness.

People are interested in celebrities having reconstructive surgery or having botox shot into the lips since attractiveness is what makes us want to procreate with them in the first place. Beauty attracts us because symmetrical handsomeness are a good marker of healthy offspring that will live to reproduce. You can normally tell if someone has had face lifting, hence the tabloids dismay at the practice and their pleasure in reporting it. Why though, are most readers of these celebrity scandals female? The elementary answer is that girls like to examine the competition and thus relish every bit of news of a celebrity divorce if it brings them one measure closer to fulfilling their celebrity courting illusions. For whichever reason though, most men don't see the appealingness in celebrity scandals in the least, largely because love and pregnancy doesn't exactly excite men. In the Paris Hilton sex tape recording scandal, the only grounds that most men were concerned is because they planned to see the sex tape for themselves, like most men do. Girls are normally more sensitive and able to show their feelings so are interested in the social results of scandal's such as these, while men fundamentally just want to perv.

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