Celebrity scandals discovered through the latest gossip on celebrities and backed up with pictures of the celebs on front page tabloids, produce jaw dropping OMG I cant believe that happened reactions in supermarket lanes across the world. If you knew the life of the people standing behind you in that supermarket lane you just might start following them instead of the celebrity scandal filled tabloids.
The latest gossip on celebrity scandals with the sometimes manipulated pictures of celebs are just mirrors of society. Celebrity scandals are created with the latest gossip and mixed with pictures of the celebs and topped with scandalous topics that fill the courts, bedrooms and hospital rehab centers around the world. Teen pregnancies hardly make the news. Real people have sex, do drugs, party, fight with their best friend, have an affair, fight for custody, divorce, get arrested in a bar fight, and enter rehab. Celebrity scandals exist in your neighborhood but without the celebrities.
We look at Hollywood celebrities and pictures of celebs involved in the latest celebrity scandal, we hear the latest gossip surrounding the celebrities lives, and wonder why are these beautiful rich people succumbing to the problems of the real world. Maybe they're people too. Real rich people. Rich people who should be role models and who should have a clue that the world is watching them. But celebrities also suffer from being needy for attention, low self-esteem, obsessiveness, compulsiveness and the effects of their environment. Just as a child raised around drugs is more likely to do drugs a celebrity raised in Hollywood is more likely to do as Hollywood does - and that's party. There's no doubt that partying leads to loose inhibitions, addictions and celebrity scandals. And celebrity parties are great for finding the latest gossip and snapping some unsuspecting shots of pictures of celebs participating in questionable actions.
Celebrity scandals promote the celebrities. Celebrities don't choose their problems but they can turn their problems into a healthy and beneficial promotional tool. A drug scandal can turn around into an anti-drug campaign. An anorexic celebrity will sell more books on how to heal thyself than the teenage girl down the street. And that celebrity book might just save that anorexic teenager. The celebrity jailbird picking up trash because of a judge's order can now become an environmental evangelist.
Not all celebrity scandals can be turned into a healthy promotional tool but pictures of celebs plastered over celebrity websites, tabloids and entertainment channels keeps the celebrity in full view of the public's eye so the celebrity can't be forgotten. Can anyone truly forget Brittney Spears while she's in the news even if they really want to?
Celebrity scandals powered by the latest gossip and unforgettable pictures of celebs are just pictures of reality television videotaping the inside lives of everyone in the local supermarket express lane. But celebrity scandals are safe. (And more fun.) We can talk bad about celebrities and nobody's feelings will be hurt. We can pity the celebrities because we know how they feel. We can love them or hate them, but chances are we'll never meet them. A celebrity scandal without our involvement and only our opinion makes celebrity scandals easy on the soul.
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