Scandals-whether in politics, academia, or other areas - can be useful. They focus our attention on problems in ways that no speaker or reformer ever could.
Scandals that people try to avoid can be useful whether in politics, academia, or other areas. They focus our attention on problems in ways that no speaker or reformer ever could.
People are always curious and they can't help paying attention to others' affairs especially the private affairs though they are trying their Manolo Blahnik best to avoid their own private affairs being known by others. So, even little scandal can arouse the biggest curiosity of a person. Then, they will begin to concern everything about the scandal even the boring academic theory. Clinton's sex scandal was so sensational that the people all over the world fixed their eyes on the White House. They played close attention to any action of the American government. People talked about American politics even the character of American. But in ordinary times, minority of them can care about America. Then, the opponents of Clinton took advantage of this scandal. They threw bad names to the president and wanted to drive him away. As a result, the president was impeached just because of his own business. Scandals are as powerful as bombs and they can touch the bluntest nerve of a person. They can have strong effect in ways that no speaker or reformer ever could. Have you ever experienced the following incident? A professor was talking about some theories and the audience felt bored and they began to whisper to each other. Then the professor announced that he would tell a scandal about the writer of the theories. Suddenly, the audience became quiet and they listened carefully and they even had interest in the boring theories. Many people take advantage of scandals to let themselves be known by others. These things always happen in the movie circle. That sounds strange but it does work. Lots of potatoes have been famous by this way. Even some sagacious and efficient businessmen look on scandals as efficient advertisements to sell their Manolo Blahnik shoes products. And some politicians imbue their points to the people or put bad names to their opponents by making scandals.
Why do scandals have such power? It should be because of the strong curiosity of man. Man is always desiring knowing everything about others. It is the character of human being. And that promises the efficiency of scandals.
In my opinion, scandals are useful and they have the power of catching out attention on what we weren't interested in before.
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